“Moddaker” is one of the programs of Alborhan. It is the first multifaceted e-learning program aimed at enabling the learner to understand the meanings of the Noble Qur’an with easy and facilitated technical services.
The Messenger ﷺ said: “The acts most pleasing to Allah are those which are done continuously, even if they are small”
[Compiled by Al-Bukhari]

Moddaker offers “Almokhtasar Diploma”: it is an interactive study of the book of ‘Almokhtasar fi Tafsir al-Qur’an al-Karim’ through several levels, in two years.
- It is held in different interactive e-learning interfaces based on learner’s preference and choice. Furthermore, there are formal collaborative groups with the aim at completing the program interactively, and helping those who volunteer to benefit others by training and providing them with supportive tools..
- The study program contains daily comprehension questions, weekly revisions, and periodic tests that help in concentration and confirmation of the meanings..
- The learner will obtain an electronic Passing Certificate after completing each level, then be prepared for a comprehensive exam in the entire book to obtaining the Diploma Certificate.
- “Moddaker” is one of the programs of “Alborhan Association for Serving the Sunnah and the Qur’an” in cooperation with experts in e-learning platforms.
- Recommended by specialist and scholars.
- Helpful company and environment to continue studying.
- The daily study amount is only two pages.
Why this Program?
- It is to bridge the gap in the domain of Islamic e-learning through providing this important knowledge (Tafsir) in an accessible facilitated way for those who are eagerly interested.
- It is to enhance the Noble Qur’an projects which have made great strides in offering programs that serve in correcting recitation of Qur’an and memorizing it.
- It is to be the basis for those who are interested in reflection upon the Noble Qur’an and its beneficial points.
- It is to bring about a shift in consciousness of Muslim community to be closer to the meanings of revelation, increase its faith and honor it with its religion.