The study system is an online learning, and it mainly relies on interactive learning with accessibility of educational and scholarly supervision at any time, through windows of communication with supervision team.
- The study of “Almokhtasar fi Tafsir al-Quran al-Karim” book is divided into four levels added to an introductory one. Each level is followed by a periodic test that measures the extent of the student’s understanding.
- The study begins with an introductory level: It includes studying of Surat Al-Fatihah and the last two parts of the Qur’an (29,30).
- Afterwards, the rest of the course book will be studied according to the following levels:
– The first level (parts 1-7).
– The second level (parts 8-14).
– The third level (parts 15-21).
– The fourth level (parts 22-28). - Daily lesson consists of:
– PDF file.
– PNG images.
– Glossary file.
– Audio clip MP3 (without verses).
– Audio clip MP3 (with verses).
– Comprehension questions are posted in Google form (optional and not counted for grades).
- Starting from the first level, the part will be studied through two weeks: It starts on Monday and ends on Friday (two pages every day). As for Saturday and Sunday are for reviewing and studying the missing during the two weeks.
- After completing the study of the part, the students will take the test of the part on the e-learning platform of the program. The grades of the test are (5) added to the total grades of the level.
- After completing the study of the level, the students will take the test of it on the e-learning platform of the program. The grades of the test are (35) added to the total grades of the level.
- The total grades of the level are (70).
- The student passes the level if he scores (35) grades or more in the total of his grades, then obtains the “Pass-level Certificate”, thus he is eligible to continue studying in the program.
- Finally, After completing the five mentioned levels of the program, the student has a Final Exam that includes what has been studied entirely through the whole program. Its details will be posted later on time after the students successfully pass all the levels.
- Being successful in all the levels is a condition for taking the comprehensive test.
- If the student does not want to take the comprehensive test, and has already passed all the levels of the program, the fourth level certificate will be a proof for him that he has completed all the program lessons.
- By passing all the stages of the comprehensive test according to the requirements set forth in each stage, the student will successfully be obtained the Diploma Certificate.