
“Moddaker” is one of the programs of Tafsir Center for Qur’anic Studies. It is the first multifaceted e-learning program aimed at enabling the learner to understand the meanings of the Noble Qur’an with easy and facilitated technical services.

that takes you closer to the Noble Qur’an to learn its meanings, taste the sweetness of its reflection and make it a way for your life, through an interactive study with easy and facilitated technical services.

Moddaker Program is pleased to announce the launch of the course (Short Suras), for every one wishing to learn the meanings of the Noble Qur’an




Available every time


No specific age is required


Simplified and brief curriculum


Course certificates

Program Features

Free Easy Facilitated

Course features

The approved book is one of the best books in the explanation of the Noble Qur’an, and it is distinguished by:

Letters From Our Graduates Of Arabic Version

Letters From Our Graduates Of Arabic Version

Gains of Studying Almokhtasar Diploma​

Brief Understanding

Studying the meanings of the Noble Qur'an in a simplified way through a number of levels

Motivation to Reflection

Through carefully selected beneficial points at the bottom of each page, doors will be open for you to reflect upon the meanings of the Noble Qur'an

Firming of Meanings

Through daily comprehension lessons, weekly revisions and periodic tests that help in concentration and confirmation of meanings

You Have Set a Basis, so Get Started

After completing "Moddaker" Program, you will have a solid basis for pursuing related fields of Islamic knowledge

Statistics of Arabic Version

The Graduates​
Those Who Registered in the Fourth Batch​
0 +
Followers on the Social Media
0 +

Remaining time for the second batch to launch ...
